Friday, January 21, 2011

Better Late Than Never 2011 House Goals

I realize that I'm incredibly late with this post but I'm hoping that by writing down my house goals.. they will actually get accomplished... One can hope right?!

Prior to Christmas we went crazy and had my dream would floors installed everywhere but 3 guestrooms. I say "crazy" because they were here until 3:00 on Christmas eve and we were hosting Christmas dinner. I'm in love and beyond happy with them but it leaves me feeling all the more ready to have the rest of my rooms complete. Plus I'm hosting a shower for one of my best friends in March. There's nothing like hosting a party to give you an extra kick in the butt.

Room by room goals:

Master Bedroom-

  1. organize/clean out my closet
  2. find and paint a dresser turquoise (all to keep my closet cleaner)
  3. find/make a fun piece of art to go over the dresser


  1. paint room
  2. make curtains
  3. design a room that makes me excited to work from home

Guest Room 1-

  1. stencil focal wall (this overwhelms me but I've purchased everything and just need to go for it
  2. find new accessories for the new blue bedding (see previous post)

Guest Room 2-

  1. paint room
  2. somewhat completely re-do this room (my least favorite room so I'm ready for changes)


  1. paint a thick stripe down the center of the wall and add a photo gallery

Living Room/Dining Room-

  1. add a seagrass run

Family Room

  1. Return PB Brandon rug due to shedding and find something new
  2. re-fresh accessories


  1. finish latest kitchen remodel
  2. buy a new gas cook top (swweeett husband installed a gas line.. guess he has high hopes I'll start to enjoy cooking.. who knows.. maybe with the wall down I will..)
  3. paint kitchen
  4. finish cabinets by adding crown molding to the tops
  5. add a BEAUTIFUL wood bar top to transition the kitchen into the family room
  6. buy 3 stools for the bar top

And organize my LIFE room by room throughout the process.. : )

In closing.. here is a picture of our current chaos... the kitchen/family room.

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